11 states, 11 coins, 11 clues, $11,000!
DETAILS TO FOLLOW on our final winners: Solver Jeremy Dobbins and FInder Cameron, a local waiter who Jeremy connected with after he solved the XVI/IVX puzzle as "Carousel - Raleigh - Pullen - Bench"
This led Cameron to a bench in Pullen Park, Raleigh, NC, directly across from the Carousel.
More as we get more!
We give a sincere thanks to everyone who participated in The Great US Treasure Hunt 2024-25, and hope to have news about a brand new Hunt, as soon as we can figure out what the heck we're going to do.
JEREMY DOBBINS, a winner in 2023, has become the final Solver in the 2025!
He used the XVI/IVX pages to solve for Carousel, Raleigh, Pullen, Bench
and connected with CAMERON, who found the final coin!
Details to follow.
ANDREW COLE has become the 10th winner and 4th Solver/Finder in the Great US Treasure Hunt 2024/5! Andrew solved the "What's the Difference?/The Difference is What?" puzzle to guide him from his home in Ohio to what should have been a round-trip of under 6 hours, but took more than 12 due to lake effects snow. Under the railing of this bandstand in Roosevelt Park, Campbell, OH, was the location of the coin.
The Great US Treasure Hunt 2024-25 featured 11 states, 11 coins, 11 clues. The coins hidden in public were worth $1,000 to the individual or team that solved the puzzle and found the coin.
Clues appear in a 24-page comic book, on side-by-side pages--text on the left, illustration on the right. Solve the puzzle, send us the solution, go get the coin, win $1,000! Teams are allowed and can split prizes, $500 for the solver, $500 to the finder.
The bottom line on the XVI page "I * IXXIV" links to the IVX page and results in the letter L.
Jeremy Dobbins is the 11th Solver, and connected with a Raleigh, NC, resident to locate the coin under a bench across from the carousel at Pullen Park.
within the comic book. The pages on the left are partners with the pages on the right.
Some puzzles may require only the left or right hand pages, some may require both pages.
No water exploration is necessary, no medians, traffic circles, or other perilous locations. No hiking, climbing, or strenuous searching is required.
Do not search at night, or in dangerous weather conditions. Obey all laws or posted rules. Be safe. DO NOT DIG; coins are hidden, not buried.
“Solvers” may team up with a “Finder” who actually finds the physical coin, and split the cash prize 50-50. All winners must be legal US residents and provide necessary tax information, as contest winnings are considered income. Each coin has a unique serial number to prevent copies or fakes. Both the Finder and the Solver will receive a coin.
We encourage you to record your "find" and post to your social media sites!
Good luck and have fun!
This is a GAME OF SKILL, not chance!
Once you believe you have solved a puzzle, send your detailed solution to solution@thegreatustreasurehunt.com and either travel to get the coin, or have a Finder get it. If you are sending a Finder, note the Finder’s name in your Solution Email.
No player can win more than once as a Solver or Finder, though a player could be a Solver for one coin and the Finder of another. Any player who is both the Solver and Finder of the same coin wins the full prize money for that coin, plus the Illustration.
Finding the physical coin is required for the winning person or team. Merely solving a puzzle is not good enough; your team must be the one to actually find the coin.
Once TGUSTH has verified you have the coin and the correct puzzle solution, you or your team will be declared winners. Simply finding a coin through a lucky search, but without the proper puzzle solution, is not good enough. If a coin is “accidentally found,” the winner of the full prize shall be the first person to send the correct solution for that location.
We will not answer most questions via email. Your solution must be precise and exact. Do not travel on a guess. There will be no reimbursement for travel, but there are no penalties for incorrect guesses.
Jeremy Dobbins (pictured, with TGUSTH president Jeff Kessler at Stonehill Park 2022 where Jeremy was a Finder), became our 11th Solver in 2024-25, and connected with Cameron, a Raleigh local to find the final coin in the Great US Treasure Hunt under a bench at the carousel in Pullen Park.
Andrew Cole set off for a 3-hour trip to Roosevelt Park in Campbell, Ohio, but due to lake effects snow off of Lake Erie, the journey turned into a 12-hour round trip...and Andrew became the tenth winner and fourth Solver/Finder of TGUSTH 2024/5!
We are limited by GoDaddy in the number of characters here, so if you want the full story, scroll down to our blog post, or visit our Facebook page. Congratulations to Nancy Zitko and Beth Hovanec, who once again team up to win The Great US Treasure Hunt!
The father-daughter team of DAVID and TALIA COHEN used the "Omar at the Wire" rebus to direct Cargill Sports Complex team lead NICHOLAS PATTERSON to search beneath a bleacher seat to discover the 8th coin. Two teams sent Finders, but only one came away a winner. AT THE WIRE.
JARED LYON, brother of Knoxville Finder Allison Lyon, used Braille in the "Watch Your Step" puzzle, where consonants were dots, then found a Finder in Roswell. MIGUEL DE SANTIAGO lives near Enchanted Lands Park, which had been underwater just 9 days earlier, but the coin was still there!
DEBBIE ADAMS and husband Dennis made the 4 hr drive from near Houston to Austin in the early AM of October 29. The "Blocks" puzzle directed Debbie to "Pease Park Treehouse Boulder Austin," exactly where she found the coin, becoming the 6th winner and 3rd Solver/Finder in our 2024 Hunt.
California musician Steve Geller put a team together that included Desiree Hood making a long distance call to the Lotus Hotel, where they found a hunting partner in Ann Mateo, who walked across the street to Kapiolani Park...story at YouTube!
Emily Stevenson and son Liam made a mad dash from Houston, Texas to Missoula, Montana using airline points, a rental car, luck, and guts to beat another searcher by less than an hour! "A Letter Home" pointed to Dragon Hollow Park in Missoula.
Vermont resident ALLISON LYON was on vacation with boyfriend Kevin when she was contacted by author SEAN CRONIN, who had solved the "Matheroes" puzzle. It was early morning, and Allison and Kevin set off at 4AM toward Knoxville. They spent nearly an hour searching before finding the coin. https://youtu.be/EUYzJIgSGQU
BARBARA HAMRICK is the Solver/Finder of the Glendale location Griffith-Manor Park and the "Screwy Balleyhooey Hollywood" puzzle. When Barbara and a 2nd searcher reached the spot, the Left Green Slide, the coin was gone! No finder came forward within 48 hrs, so Barbara wins the $1,000 prize!
Great TV news coverage from WLOS Asheville brought over 2,000 new registrants in 12 hours, and 14 separate groups to Leah Chiles Park within 60 minutes of each other, but Nasrin Azari beat them all, finding the coin under the red slide.
The Great US Treasure Hunt has begun!